Enhancing Automated Test Case Generation Through KNN algorithm in Software Testing

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Abdulrahman Ahmed Khudhur, Ibrahim Mohamed, Suhaila Zainudin


In the ever-evolving world of software development, assuring the stability and resilience of software systems remains a vital task. This study aims to tackle this problem by suggesting a novel method for generating automated test cases. It involves incorporating the robust KNN algorithm into the domain of data mining methods. The research intends to exploit previous testing data to detect patterns and trends, increasing the production of effective and targeted test scenarios.

The literature study highlights the increasing overlap between data mining and software testing, underscoring the need for sophisticated methods to address the requirements of contemporary, ever-changing applications. In this regard, our study presents the KNN algorithm as a new addition to the collection of data mining tools for software testing. The process entails gathering extensive historical testing data, including information on test cases, errors, and the attributes of tested software applications. By using rigorous preprocessing and feature selection techniques, the KNN method is used to examine the correlations between various variables and the probability of flaws. The KNN model is trained and optimized using the dataset, and the resultant predictions are then used in an automated system for generating test cases. The experimental results confirm the efficacy of the suggested method in finding crucial test scenarios and prioritizing test cases according to past fault trends. The practical usefulness and advantages of incorporating the KNN algorithm into the automated test case-generating process are further confirmed by real-world case studies. In conclusion, this study expands the discourse on data mining in software testing by proposing the KNN algorithm as a vital component in automated test case development. By using KNN, testing teams can adjust to the ever-changing characteristics of contemporary applications, leading to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in testing procedures. The results of this research enhance the continuous development of software quality assurance methods and provide opportunities for additional investigation at the convergence of machine learning and software testing

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