Adaptability of the Reform of Speaking Teaching Mode of Master's Foreign Language Based on Virtual Simulation Technology

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Zhuoxian Wang


The speaking teaching mode for mastering foreign languages at the master's level has been significantly enhanced through the integration of virtual simulation technology. By leveraging immersive simulations, students are provided with realistic scenarios and contexts for language practice and skill development. Through virtual environments, learners engage in interactive dialogues, presentations, and role-playing exercises, simulating real-life communication scenarios. This mode allows students to apply linguistic knowledge and cultural understanding in a dynamic and risk-free setting, fostering confidence and fluency in speaking. Moreover, virtual simulation technology offers personalized feedback and assessment, enabling instructors to tailor instruction to individual learning needs and track progress effectively. This paper explores the adaptability of the reformed speaking teaching mode for master's foreign language education, leveraging virtual simulation technology and Automated Statistical Deep Learning (ASDL). The integration of virtual simulation technology enhances the speaking teaching mode by providing immersive and interactive language learning experiences. ASDL algorithms analyze large-scale linguistic data and learner interactions within virtual environments to provide personalized feedback and optimize teaching strategies. Through simulated experiments and empirical validations, the adaptability of the reformed teaching mode is assessed. Results indicate significant improvements in student engagement, speaking proficiency, and learning outcomes compared to traditional methods. Students participating in virtual simulation-based sessions demonstrated a remarkable 35% increase in speaking proficiency compared to those in traditional classroom settings. Furthermore, learner engagement levels surged by 40%, indicating heightened interest and active participation in language practice activities facilitated by virtual environments. Automated Statistical Deep Learning (ASDL) algorithms, embedded within the virtual simulation platform, provided personalized feedback tailored to individual learner needs, resulting in a 25% enhancement in learning outcomes.

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