A Study of University Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competencies under Internet Plus and China’s Dual Carbon Targets

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Chan Li, Fei Yang


China’s policy on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality has sparked a new wave of emerging industries towards reaching the dual carbon targets. The growth of these industries meant that there is an urgent need to develop innovative entrepreneurs who are committed to realizing the dual carbon goals. Therefore, it is of great significance to analyze the innovation and entrepreneurship competencies of university students in achieving the goals. Under the background of internet plus, university students are critical in realizing the dual carbon goals as they possess specific characteristics compared to the comprehensive competencies of innovative entrepreneurs. With the help of the internet and through the combination of online and offline model, this paper examined university students in a specific area to determine the structure and influencing factors of their innovation and entrepreneurship competencies. The results indicate that in the era of internet plus, factors such as national policy, students’ place of origin, career direction, as well as innovation and entrepreneurship activities play a key role in the innovation and entrepreneurship competencies of university students towards reaching the dual carbon goals. More proper research needs to be conducted on university students with different personality traits even though university students in the era of internet plus can make use of innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities in achieving the dual carbon targets.

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