Data-driven study of container handling charges in coastline ports of China

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Tianchao Guan, Zhehui Zhang, Di Xu, Peng Cai


With the rapid development of networking and digitization, the data generated by various industries has shown exponential growth. The seaport industry is the fundamental industry to support the operation of the national economy, and undertakes the vast majority of China's foreign trade, materials, and coal transport along the sea. In response to some of China's major seaports of container handling charges for different extent of the upward event. In this paper, by researching the main seaports of China's coastal ports, we have obtained the level of container handling charge, and operating cost of container section. Meanwhile, this paper combines the reform history of China's port container charging policy and the comparison of domestic and foreign charging levels to discover the cost structure of the container handling charges. It establishes the benchmark for the optimization of the container handling charges. Utilizing data analysis related to production and operations, this paper proposes an optimization method of container handling charges based on the cost analysis of container port companies with macro and micro coupling and puts forward effective suggestions on this basis. This paper suggests the establishment of a mechanism for regulating container handling charges. It also proposes a mechanism for monitoring and regular announcement of container costs.

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