Study on the Integration of Chinese Martial Arts Bing Dao in the Online + Offline Teaching Model at College Sports Education

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Qixia Jia, Yongyong Wang, Pengxin Gu


At present, with the continuous development of science and technology and the continuous innovation of new educational technology, the online + offline education model is widely used in college physical education. It has been a long history for the Chinese Martial Arts Bing Dao to be an excellent Chinese traditional sports event. But the sports competition system of the Chinese Martial Arts Bing Dao has been formally established for less than 3 years. The Chinese Martial Arts Bing Dao has been developed rapidly in the past 3 years. Many training courses for coaches and referees of Chinese Martial Arts Bing Dao have been held. The rules on the competition of Chinese Martial Arts Bing Dao have been formulated and the National Chinese Martial Arts Bing Dao Championship has been successfully held. In addition, the Chinese University Wushu Long and short weapon Competition has been successfully held for three times. The integration of Chinese Martial Arts Bing Dao into college sports teaching plays a positive role in inheriting excellent traditional Chinese culture, enhancing cultural confidence and promoting the healthy physical and mental development of college students. Therefore, in college physical education, Chinese Martial Arts Bing Dao should be promoted and valued

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