Application of Virtual Reality Technology in English Teaching: Research on the Relationship between Learning Motivation and Learning Effectiveness

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Di Wu


Virtual reality technology is an important direction of simulation technology, is a collection of simulation technology and computer graphics, human-computer interface technology, multimedia technology, sensing technology, network technology, and other technologies. It is a challenging cross-technology frontier discipline and research field. Virtual Reality (VR) technology mainly includes simulated environment, perception, natural skills and sensing devices. The simulated environment is a computer-generated, real-time dynamic three-dimensional stereo realistic image. This paper explores the transformative potential of virtual reality (VR) technology in English language teaching, focusing on the dynamic interplay between learning motivation and effectiveness. Through immersive VR environments, educators can cultivate increased engagement and foster language acquisition. A comprehensive literature review demonstrates the widespread adoption of VR technology in various fields and highlights its positive impact on learning outcomes. The proposed methodology advocates the seamless integration of VR technology with innovative pedagogical approaches to optimize English language instruction. By analyzing the relationship between learning motivation and effectiveness, this study sheds light on the nuanced dynamics of VR-enhanced learning in English language education.

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