A comparative study on SSA and SFG based dynamic model of Quadratic Boost converter for renewable energy system
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DC-DC converter occupies most of the recent power supply unit. Researchers concentrate on analyzing the steady-state and dynamic model of the converter. The State-Space Averaging(SSA) and Switching Flow Graph (SFG) modeling methods are evaluated for the quadratic boostconverter. These methods are evaluated by mathematical computation and derivation of transferfunctions. Computation of transfer functions by state-space averaging requires tedious matrixoperations. However, the switching flow graph modeling method requires a simple signal flowgraph of the converter which can be used to derive the transfer functions using mason’s gainformula. Reviews of both the methods are offered with complete theoretical derivation forquadratic boost DC-DC converter. Simulation of the quadratic boost converter is carried outwith Tina software and the results are presented. In addition to that, stability study andcontroller design are carried out in MATLAB to validate the theoretical results. Additionally, a40 W prototype is designed to analyze and validate the performance of quadratic boostconverter
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