A modified GWO Based Approach for Optimal Placement of Multi-Distributed Generations
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Distributed Generations (DGs) employing renewable energy resources have emerged as an environment friendly solution for meeting consumer demands locally, without posing much burden on transmission network. Optimal placement of multiple distributed generations helps in minimizing transmission losses, and thus improves voltage profile and reduces loss of revenue as a result of energy wastage. In this paper, a modified Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) has been proposed for optimal placement of multiple DGs where DG location has been taken as integer variable whereas, DG size and its power factor (in case of Type-3 DGs injecting both real and reactive power) have been considered as continuous variables. Multiple DGs have been placed to minimize real power transmission loss and improve voltage profile. Simulations have been carried out in MATLAB R2018a environment on a standard 33-bus radial distribution network. Real power loss and voltage profile with optimally placed DGs using proposed approach have been compared with the values of these variables under DGs placement based on existing approaches. It has been observed that proposed approach of DGs placement is more effective compared to existing approaches in minimization of real power loss as well in enhancement of voltage profile of buses.
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