Utilizing BiLSTM For Fine-Grained Aspect-Based Travel Recommendations Using Travel Reviews In Low Resourced Language

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Muneer V. K., Mohamed Basheer K. P., Rizwana Kallooravi Thandil


Recommender systems have become an essential tool for enhancing user experiences by providing personalized recommendations. In this study, we present a novel approach to constructing a recommender system specifically tailored for Malayalam travel reviews. Our objective was to extract relevant features from these reviews and employ a bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) architecture to construct a robust and accurate recommendation model. We focused on four key features extracted from the travel reviews: travel mode, travel type, location climate, and location type. The travel mode feature encompassed the mode of transport opted for the travel such as bus, car, train, etc., while the travel type captured the nature of the trip, including family, friends, or solo travel. Additionally, we considered the climate of the location, including rainy, snowy, hot, and dry, among others, and the location type, such as beach, hilly, or forest destinations. To construct our recommender system, we implemented a BiLSTM architecture, a powerful deep-learning model known for effectively capturing temporal dependencies in sequential data. This architecture allowed us to process the extracted features and learn the underlying patterns within the Malayalam travel reviews. Our experiments were conducted on a comprehensive dataset of Malayalam travel reviews, carefully curated for this study. The dataset encompassed a diverse range of travel experiences, enabling our model to learn from a wide variety of user preferences and recommendations. The performance evaluation of our recommender system yielded promising results. With an accuracy of 83.65 percent, our model showcased its ability to accurately predict and recommend travel options based on the extracted features from the reviews. The high accuracy achieved by our model underscores the effectiveness of the BiLSTM architecture in capturing the nuances of the Malayalam language and understanding the subtle preferences expressed in travel reviews. The practical implications of our work are significant, as it offers a valuable tool for travelers seeking personalized recommendations based on their travel preferences. The use of the Malayalam language in this context expands the reach of recommender systems to a wider audience, catering specifically to individuals who prefer to consume content and make decisions in their native language.

Article Details

Author Biography

Muneer V. K., Mohamed Basheer K. P., Rizwana Kallooravi Thandil

[1]Muneer V. K.

2Mohamed Basheer K. P.

3Rizwana Kallooravi Thandil


[1] 1*,2,3Assistant Professor, Research Department of Computer Science, Sullamussalam Science College, Affiliated to University of Calicut, India. 1Email: vkmuneer@gmail.com

1[0000-0002-5517-2462], 2[0000-0003-3847-4124], 3[0000-0001-9305-681X]

Copyright © JES 2024 on-line : journal.esrgroups.org



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