Semantic Similarity Caculating based on BERT

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Denghui Yang, Dengyun Zhu, Hailong Gai, Fucheng Wan


The exploration of semantic similarity is a fundamental aspect of natural language processing, as it aids in comprehending the significance and usage of vocabulary present in a language. The advent of pre-training language models has significantly simplified the process of research in this field. This article delves into the methodology of utilizing the pre-trained language model, BERT, to calculate the semantic similarity among Chinese words. In order to conduct this study, we first trained our own model using the bert-base-chinese pre-trained model. This allowed us to acquire the word embeddings for every single word, which served as the basis for calculating semantic similarity. Essentially, word embeddings are vector-based depictions of words that encapsulate word’s significance and surroundings, allowing for the measurement of the semantic similarity between words. Next, we executed a sequence of experiments to assess the efficiency of the BERT model in managing semantic similarity tasks within the Chinese language. The results were encouraging, as the BERT model demonstrated remarkable performance in these tasks. Furthermore, it was observed that the BERT model outperformed traditional methods in terms of performance and generalization capabilities. This study, therefore, underscores the potential of the BERT model in natural language processing, particularly in the Chinese language. This emphasizes the model’s capacity to accurately calculate semantic similarity, paving the way for its widespread adoption in related fields.

Article Details

Author Biography

Denghui Yang, Dengyun Zhu, Hailong Gai, Fucheng Wan

[1]Denghui Yang

2Dengyun Zhu

3Hailong Gai

4,*Fucheng Wan


[1] Key Laboratory of Linguistic and Cultural Computing Ministry of Education, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730030, China

2 Key Laboratory of Linguistic and Cultural Computing Ministry of Education, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730030, China; Key Laboratory of China's Ethnic Languages and Intelligent Processing of Gansu Province, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China

3 Key Laboratory of Linguistic and Cultural Computing Ministry of Education, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730030, China;

4 Key Laboratory of China's Ethnic Languages and Intelligent Processing of Gansu Province, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou, Gansu, China

*Corresponding author: Fucheng Wan

Copyright © JES 2024 on-line :


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