Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Induced Machines to Improve the Fiscal Advancement of Agronomy

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Imtiyaz Majid, Tawheed Nabi


Horticulture became a key player in the development of UT. The total land area of Jammu and Kashmir under horticulture is 332704, among which 214162 in the Kashmir valley and 118542 in the Jammu region. The district Baramulla has achieved first rank in production in apples with 404089 metric tons, and also covers an area of 25231 hectares. Horticulture of UT of Jammu and Kashmir contributes 8-10% contribution to the SGDP (DHK, 2021). In 48 years, the area under horticulture shows a growth rate of 25%.The growth of production of horticulture has also increased 10 thousand metric to 25 Lakh metric tons during 1950-2022.In this paper we will analysis growth in production, productivity, area and State Gross Domestic Product through the Compound Growth Rate from 2012 to 2022. Artificial Intelligence will become a game changer for horticulture sector, which is facing loses consistently from the last few years. Need of the hour to improve the technique like artificial intelligence and procedures for the betterment of horticulture, especially open national, use of drones in farms, highway 44 during the peak season.

Article Details

Author Biography

Imtiyaz Majid, Tawheed Nabi

[1]Imtiyaz Majid

2Dr. Tawheed Nabi


[1] Mittal School of Business (Lovely Professional University).

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