Realization of Small Scale Models of FCATS Devices and its Optimization in Power Systems using Stability Indices and Particle Swarm Optimization
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This article focuses on the physical realization of SVC, TCSC, combined SVC and TCSC scale down models, which have been realized in the laboratory, developed and tested and presented the experimental results. These practical test results have been proven the effectiveness of these devices with closed loop control systems developed with microcontrollers. The voltage stability can be assessed accurately using stability indices. These indices can either reveal the critical bus or line of a power system. The said indices plays vital role in identifying the most critical n-1 and n-2 contingencies. This article further focuses on optimization of these devices in IEEE 9 bus, 14 bus and 30 bus test systems using stability indices and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The simulation results for all these systems have been presented and which proves the tremendous improvement in voltage stability of power systems.