A Customizable Mechanism for Computing Offloading in Mobile Cloud Computing

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Rameshwar Singh Sikarwar, Rajeev G. Vishwakarma


Due to the widespread use of mobile devices, mobile apps are getting more complex in terms of the features they provide to users. This is a direct result of the demand for these applications. The execution of these applications consumes a significant amount of the device's resources, despite the fact that users may use them often. Using mobile cloud computing (MCC), which moves part of the application's burden to the cloud, it is possible to find a solution to this problem. In the beginning, compute offloading could seem to be an excellent method for conserving device resources; nevertheless, if it is carried out in a static manner, the result might end up being the reverse. It is possible that the efficacy of offloading tactics may be diminished by making regular alterations to the computing environment and the resources at the end of the device. Additionally, the quality of service for applications that depend on real-time data could be diminished. This problem is addressed by the authors via the provision of an adaptive compute offloading framework for programs that deal with data streams. This framework separates applications in a dynamic manner and then offloads them according to the cloud resources, network conditions, and device end characteristics. A technique that is provided and that explains the process of the offloading model is also given in the article. Last but not least, the authors provide the results of the simulation as well as an illustration of how the proposed system functions.

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