Energy Efficiency Analysis of the Main Electrical Systems of the Latacunga General Hospital

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Chasiluisa Yanchatuña Sandra Marisol, Yulissa Cecibel León Troya, Caicedo Romero Hugo Marcelo, William Mauricio López Villavicencio


The present work consists of the analysis of the electrical energy efficiency of the main low voltage distribution transformers of the Hospital, through the application of an electrical energy audit; using parts of the ISO 50001 standards. For the development of this work, a field investigation is carried out, using a FLUKE 435-SII quality analyzer to measure the variables of the electrical system such as: voltages, currents, frequency, powers, harmonics. When evaluating the behavior of the electrical system comparing it with the ARCONEL standard, it is established that the potential problem is the presence of current harmonics in the network. As an alternative solution, the implementation of a 200 A four-wire three-phase multifunctional active filter for the distribution transformer of the new section and a 150 A three-phase active filter for the old section of the hospital is proposed. It compensates for harmonic currents, reactive power currents and phase imbalance currents. 

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