A Coverless Image Steganography Based on Huffman Encoding and Robust Image Wavelet Hashing

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Nitin Kanzariya, Dhaval Jadhav, Nilesh Maltare, Lokesh Gagani


Data hiding approaches are crucial in insecure communication to protect sensi- tive information from illegal access. The robustness of existing coverless image steganogra- phy methods that utilize mapping rules is derived from their ability to extract feature patterns within the spatial domain. In order to protect sensitive data more securely and to increase its durability against attacks, a new coverless steganography is introduced in this study. The me- thod used is based on the frequency domain. A coverless image steganography based on ro- bust image wavelet hashing and Huffman encoding. Initially, the confidential data is encoded through lossless compression using Huffman Encoding, which reduces the payload and en- hances the capacity for embedding. Second, segments of an 8-bit size are created from the compressed secret data. The efficient DWT hashing technique has been employed to generate a hash sequence for an image. An inverted index structure is established, allowing for the se- lection of the image whose hash corresponds to the secret data segment. Subsequently, all chosen images along with supplementary information are transmitted to the recipient. Testing has shown that the proposed method is robust against various image processing attacks, in- cluding scaling, low pass filtering, JPEG compression, rotation, noise introduction, and me- dian/mean filtering. Research findings and analysis indicate that this method enhances the latest coverless steganography algorithms in terms of capacity, resilience, and security.

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