Secure IoT Middleware Protocol with Multi-Key Authentication and Adler32-Based Session Key Generation

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Mahdi Mohammad Abdullah Al Momani, P. S. Puttaswamy


The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices across several industries has heightened the requirement for communication protocols that assure consumer data integrity and privacy. This study presented a novel authentication framework named Secure IoT Middleware Protocol, with multi-key authentication and session key generation utilizing Adler32 for secure communication in IoT settings. The protocol utilizes Blockchain technology for tamper-proof data validation and decentralized authentication, eliminating single points of failure to reduce zero-trust issues. Generate secret keys dynamically for each communication session to safeguard device-to-device interactions between validated user identities using multi-key techniques. It utilizes the MQTT protocol, facilitating far more efficient data transport than HTTP. The protocol utilizes advanced cryptography technology and Blockchain smart contracts to establish a scalable, trustworthy, and transparent infrastructure for IoT communication. Experimental results indicate that despite increasing users, the selective broadcast secret key and reaction times are minimized. At the same time, the computational overhead produced by the proposed system remains relatively constant, yielding satisfactory security and performance from our system. This research can advance authentication, data protection, and secure key management solutions in significant IoT security concerns.

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