Fetal Renal Artery and Middle Cerebral Artery Indices in Pregnant Mothers with Pre-Eclampsia

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Reza Gerami, Azade Farahani, Ayda Roostaee, Mohammad Reza Azimi Aval, Shoresh Barkhordari, Mohammad Hassan Kazemi-Galougahi


Introduction and purpose: Pregnancy is always associated with risks, and high blood pressure disorders are not a rare problem during pregnancy, which puts the mother and fetus at risk and sometimes causes life-long complications. Gestational hypertension is diagnosed when only systolic blood pressure (BP) ≥140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg occurs after 20 weeks of gestation.

Methods: This cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical study was conducted during one year at Ba'ath Hospital of the Army Medical Sciences University on 50 pregnant mothers, 26 of whom with pre-eclampsia and 24 of whom were healthy, and Doppler ultrasound criteria were evaluated in these people.

Findings: In this study, the mean MCA.RI of the renal artery in healthy pregnant mothers was equivalent and the mean MCA.RI of the renal artery in preeclampsia mothers was equivalent. The mean MCA.PI of the renal artery in healthy pregnant mothers was equivalent and the mean MCA.PI of the renal artery was equivalent in preeclampsia mothers. Statistically, there was no significant difference between the two groups in the mean MCA.RI of the renal arteries (P>0.05).

Discussion and conclusion: In this study, it was shown that there was no significant difference in Doppler ultrasound parameters of middle cerebral and renal arteries in preeclampsia and healthy mothers.

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