A Study of Structural Change Trends in the Online Labor Market: A Quantitative Analysis Based on Big Data Techniques

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Baohua Zhang


The global labor market is experiencing unprecedented structural changes as the field of artificial intelligence continues to advance under the rapid development of information technology. This study aims to reveal the dynamic changes in market demand and their impact on the education and training system by quantitatively analyzing the online labor market, especially the recruitment information of AI-related jobs. The study employs text mining techniques to analyze large amounts of online recruitment data in order to build a skills lexicon and identify job skill needs. By analyzing job postings in the field of artificial intelligence, the study reveals important changes in skill demand and salary structure. The results of the study show that the skill demand for machine learning and data analytics is as high as 229.05 and 130.36 frequencies, indicating an increased demand for highly skilled labor. In addition, the salary analysis showed that nearly half of the positions in the image processing field paid between $100,000 and $200,000 per year. The results of the study provide an important reference for higher education institutions and policy makers in adapting to technological change, emphasizing the need to update educational curricula and enhance skills training.

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