Recent Advancements in Solar Cell Technology: An Overview

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Bhoora Ram, Shrikant Verma


Since the Industrial Revolution, the global need for electricity has expanded in a variety of industries. The balance of demand and supply for electricity necessitated the use of both traditional and nontraditional energy sources. Traditional sources of energy, like coal, gas, and oil (fossil fuels), have finite quantities; they are depleted as a result of ongoing use and will run out in the near future. Fossil fuels emit greenhouse gases, which hurt the ecosystem. An affordable substitute for fossil fuels is solar energy, which can satisfy the world's massive energy demand. It is the most sought after and preferred renewable energy source due to its sustainability, trustworthiness, longevity, never running out, being environmentally pure, free of charge, noise-free, ubiquitous, affordable maintenance over decades, and no recurring expenses after installation. This article analyzes the evolution of solar power technology in various generations, with a focus on the use of diverse materials and architectures, power conversion efficiency, obstacles, future prospects, and current advances.

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